Updated 11/2/2019: Added more details and more tips and more foods.
Dr Gundry the author of the Plant Paradox has added a YouTube channel.
Video from Dr. Gundry that is very approachable and immediately usable food advice https://cutyourcravings.com/180927B.php?n=tba
Here is a summary of my understanding of The Plant Paradox by Dr Gundry (Yes, I keep notes and I need to update these. It's very complicated.):
The Plant Paradox is the book I recommend reading
Podcast and Blog
Shopping List on Amazon
Shopping List PDF
Yes and No List
It's a lot of information. Even if you know a lot. Dr. Gundry takes many chapters to put into perspective the reasons why you want to avoid certain foods.
Dr. Gundry goes off on many worthwhile tangents. I'm down a size from 2XL to XL and 40 waist to 38 from last weekend and that was in 3 or 4 days and it's not even a calorie or portion restriction diet except for the meat and cheese AKA animal protein.
I don't feel hungry most of the time now. Especially not for the poisonous foods.
The dietary restriction on foods to avoid is a cure all by avoiding the bad and indulging the good. We are all suffering because of all the bad things we eat and popular diets and health recommendations lead us in unscientific tail chasing circles with only partially correct info and loads of bad recommendations.
It is not just sugar. In fact refined sugar AKA glucose is less bad for you than the fructose found in fruit. The availability of fruit all year round that is picked green before the lectins (plant created poison proteins that kill bugs) can be removed by the plant make it even worse. The fructose in fruits causes the brain to send out insulin from the taste but the insulin receptors don't recognize the fructose as sugar (glucose). This causes more insulin to go out and you to feel hungrier. This insulin cycle causes insulin resistance and is triggered by fructose (fruit sugar), syrups(corn, maple, agave, etc), and all sugar-free sweeteners (including stevia).
1. Sugar in everything you eat satisfies your body before the proteins arrive and your body immediately turns the protein and carbohydrates into sugar and then stores the sugar as fat.
2. Red meat proteins are similar enough for most of our body to use including lining our blood vessels. The immune system sees these proteins as foreign and attacks the body. Attacking our blood vessels and muscles, and tendons causing pain because it doesn't recognize the protein. The prevalence of rheumatoid arthritis in relatively young and middle aged adults is partially a symptom of too much red meat.
3. Most of the cow milk in the world has the A1 protein. A protein that our bodies find indigestible. A2 protein cow milk and also any sheep or goat dairy have the A2 protein and are digestible.
4. All legumes are indigestible including cucumbers.
5. All fruit seeds have lectins and are poisonous as are the skins.
6. WGA, wheat germ a gluten is is a lectin that blocks insulin receptors and estrogen receptors permanently while turning on those receptors permanently.
7. Lectins get their poison from bacteria that makes its way in through your gut and creates a leaky gut that allows worse things in. The bacteria makes a home in your body and your immune system kicks in 24/7 causing symptoms that we call diseases. Lupus, autoimmune, Parkinson's, heart, allergies, dementia, Alzheimer's, rheumatoid arthritis, headaches, etc
8. NSAIDS are poison that make you addicted to the poison that they are (Advil, etc).
9. Night shades are poisonous. Eggplant, tomatoes. Peel the skins and throw away the seeds if you want to eat them.
10. Cashews are poisonous because they are full of lectin proteins even after they are sun-dried. Don't eat a five pound bag of cashews. You might end up poisoned in the hospital.
11. All grains are poisonous including soy and all the other beans (legumes) including peanuts.
12. If it has seeds it is a fruit (fructose sugar) don't eat it, even pickles. All fruits are picked green and don't have a chance to remove the lectins from the fruit when they ripen after being picked.
13. Don't eat sugar ever if you can avoid it. If you do need a sweetener use lemon juice or lime juice) as the sugar content is negligible. Sugar is the lesser of the evils between fructose (fruit juice) and any artificial sweeteners including stevia. Better a handful of candy made from refined sugar not corn syrup which is a fructose than to eat a fake sweetener as the sugar will satisfy your hunger while the others like fruit juice will set you up for insulin problems (diabetes) and make you hungrier after eating them.
14. If the animal was fed grains consider it a grain and don't eat it - grass fed meat only and wild caught seafood only. They feed grain (lectins) and fish parts (mercury) to farm raised fish.
15. Liquid coconut oil (MCT/XCT) and avocados have the ketogenic hormones that lets your cells' mitochondria burn fat instead of sugar, using ketosis, without having to starve yourself of sugar to start ketosis in your body. This is an inefficient way to generate energy for your brain. This is a good thing. Ketosis allows your mitochondria to exercise a muscle they don't get to use very often.
16. Green bananas, green plantains, and green papayas are good but not when ripe.
17. Yams and sweet potatoes are good but not potatoes.
18. Avoid sweeteners. They make you feel hungry. It's not sugar but it activates the release of insulin making you hungrier. Cut out all sweeteners completely if you have diabetes. That means no fruit and no sugar too. Eat yams and avocados and pour lots of liquid coconut oil on top of everything. Also eats greens every day (not string beans or peas as they are legumes).
19. Cancer can't do ketosis (burn fat). It needs sugar and uses the foreign red meat protein to hide from your immune system. Cut out red meat and sugar and sweeteners completely if you have cancer. Eat lots of leafy greens, yams, cabbage, green plantains, green bananas, and lots of tree nuts and extra-virgin cold-pressed oils. Eat in total each week only a fist sized portion of anchovies or sardines and maybe a couple of pasture raised chicken eggs for animal protein.
20. Eat lots of green leafy vegetables. They are a resistant starch that is good for you. They also provide a platform for good gut bacteria to grow on. Even iceberg lettuce is really good for your good gut bacteria.
Green bean, snow peas, string beans, peas, beans, and peanuts are all legumes and they are bad for you unless pressure cooked. Cooking legumes for a really long time does not break down the lectins. Only pressure cooking. Lentils only take 15 minutes in a pressure cooker but kidney beans take 45 minutes.
Green bean, snow peas, string beans, peas, beans, and peanuts are all legumes and they are bad for you unless pressure cooked. Cooking legumes for a really long time does not break down the lectins. Only pressure cooking. Lentils only take 15 minutes in a pressure cooker but kidney beans take 45 minutes.
21. Don't eat raw fish sushi you are taking a bigger risk than you may realize. There is a bacteria that is only found in raw fish that can kill you and even if you survive it may take you years to recover even partially. Don't eat tuna, salmon, swordfish. They are full of mercury. Basically avoid all big fish including cod, halibut, and farm raised fish. Good fish are anchovies, and sardines packed in extra virgin cold pressed olive oil. Pour extra virgin cold pressed olive oil over all your food. It is very good for you. Think of your food as a way to get more olive oil in you. Don't get the non-virgin non-cold pressed olive oil. The good stuff has been removed.
22. Avocados, mushrooms, walnuts, macadamia nuts, Brazil nuts, pistachio nuts, coconuts, hemp seeds, and almonds are good for you. Avoid most other nuts and seeds. Coconut milk is sugar water and worse than that it is fructose sugar water so no coconut water.
23. Cassava, yams, and sweet potatoes are good. Potatoes are bad.
24. Only eat gluten-free grain free bread. A simple rule of thumb to making gluten-free grain bread or cakes or pancakes is half coconut flour plus half almond flour(without the skins) or green banana flour and a tablespoon of cassava flour or tapioca starch flour. It works for pancakes too. For gluten-free grain-free pancakes leave the batter thick and
25. Eat 12 to 14 tablespoons of olive oil a day. It's good for you. So are a handful of nuts as a snack. Not peanuts as they are really bad for you even cooked.
26. Have a teaspoon of mercury free fish oil before each meal and added over meals.
27. Have a tablespoon of cold pressed hemp seed oil every morning with a drop of liquid vitamin D3 for calcium absorption.
28. Cold brewed coffee is really good for you. To avoid getting jittery I have fresh ground organic cacao beans (chocolate) in boiling water (hot cacao) instead of coffee in the morning and if I don't feel hungry I don't eat until lunch. Use a coffee grinder to make a fine powder out of 3 to 5 beans. If you grind it for more than 5 minutes it will turn into melted chocolate. You can set it in a mold in a freezer to make a pure cacao chocolate bar.
29. Fasting is really good for you. Fasting is not starving yourself. Drink lots of Italian sparkling water and eat a handful of nuts or greens or yam or some other small healthy snack if you need to while fasting. It's OK. The point of fasting is to get your body to turn on it's natural recycling behavior. It requires 16 hours of fasting before this happens. You may have to work your way up to 16 hours in stages.
30. Listen to your body and learn the difference between being hungry and wanting to eat. 3 meals a day may be keeping you from being healthy. Only eat when you are hungry. Don't eat when you are not hungry.
31. These are facts that can help you make better food choices. This is not a weight loss diet. It is a get rid of the sickness and pain diet. You may loose weight if you are overweight. You may gain weight if you are underweight. If the food choices in front of you don't give you a good choice then pick the lesser of the evils using your newly acquired knowledge or just eat what you want. You body will let you know just how bad that choice is.
32. Watch out for feeling better and then eating bad. If you have been eating really good and then start to eat bad foods again it may take a week or two for you health to decline. That is a good time to get back on track by eating healthy again and avoiding the bad poisonous foods.
32. Moringa leaves have everything a body needs if you eat the whole leaf. You can buy it as a powder or leaf form and put it in anything as a supplement or use it as a tea in powder or leaf form just remember to eat the tea leaves after you finish the tea. The dried leaves can be boiled and eaten as a green or added to a soup or salad (after boiling or if fresh). Moringa contains all of the 13 amino acids that a body needs but can't produce on it's own. The one natural supplement to rule them all. The dried leaves can be quickly turned into powder in a coffee grinder. As a rule of thumb you should always be drinking the water it is boiled in. Think tea or ramen or soup or as an ingredient in a casserole or stew or curry.
33. Seaweed in all it's forms is really good for you.
34. A really good noodle substitute for ramen noodles and linguine and spaghetti is yam noodles AKA sweet potato noodles. Here is a link to an Amazon search sweet+potatoe+noodles.
35. Don't be afraid of salt with iodine. It's good for you.
27. Have a tablespoon of cold pressed hemp seed oil every morning with a drop of liquid vitamin D3 for calcium absorption.
28. Cold brewed coffee is really good for you. To avoid getting jittery I have fresh ground organic cacao beans (chocolate) in boiling water (hot cacao) instead of coffee in the morning and if I don't feel hungry I don't eat until lunch. Use a coffee grinder to make a fine powder out of 3 to 5 beans. If you grind it for more than 5 minutes it will turn into melted chocolate. You can set it in a mold in a freezer to make a pure cacao chocolate bar.
29. Fasting is really good for you. Fasting is not starving yourself. Drink lots of Italian sparkling water and eat a handful of nuts or greens or yam or some other small healthy snack if you need to while fasting. It's OK. The point of fasting is to get your body to turn on it's natural recycling behavior. It requires 16 hours of fasting before this happens. You may have to work your way up to 16 hours in stages.
30. Listen to your body and learn the difference between being hungry and wanting to eat. 3 meals a day may be keeping you from being healthy. Only eat when you are hungry. Don't eat when you are not hungry.
31. These are facts that can help you make better food choices. This is not a weight loss diet. It is a get rid of the sickness and pain diet. You may loose weight if you are overweight. You may gain weight if you are underweight. If the food choices in front of you don't give you a good choice then pick the lesser of the evils using your newly acquired knowledge or just eat what you want. You body will let you know just how bad that choice is.
32. Watch out for feeling better and then eating bad. If you have been eating really good and then start to eat bad foods again it may take a week or two for you health to decline. That is a good time to get back on track by eating healthy again and avoiding the bad poisonous foods.
32. Moringa leaves have everything a body needs if you eat the whole leaf. You can buy it as a powder or leaf form and put it in anything as a supplement or use it as a tea in powder or leaf form just remember to eat the tea leaves after you finish the tea. The dried leaves can be boiled and eaten as a green or added to a soup or salad (after boiling or if fresh). Moringa contains all of the 13 amino acids that a body needs but can't produce on it's own. The one natural supplement to rule them all. The dried leaves can be quickly turned into powder in a coffee grinder. As a rule of thumb you should always be drinking the water it is boiled in. Think tea or ramen or soup or as an ingredient in a casserole or stew or curry.
33. Seaweed in all it's forms is really good for you.
34. A really good noodle substitute for ramen noodles and linguine and spaghetti is yam noodles AKA sweet potato noodles. Here is a link to an Amazon search sweet+potatoe+noodles.
35. Don't be afraid of salt with iodine. It's good for you.
Dr, Gundry explains how you can eat some of the foods on the no list by preparing them (pressure cooking, skinning, deseeding) properly but recommends avoiding them entirely.
It's a lot of info. Read the book - it presents it all and tears down popular diets and explains if they work and what parts work and why. It also explains what to avoid and why and what to eat and why. The book is more avoid and the example meals are in a downloadable PDF. It's not really a diet in the traditional sense. It's more of a handbook. It makes it easy to make the right food choices by eating the lesser of the evils even if you can't get the good stuff.
Personal update 11/2/2019:
I have lost all joint pain and muscle aches and headaches and even stopped grinding my teeth so much. I have lost over 20 pounds since last year August 2018 without any portion control. Which isn't saying much because I lost 10 pounds in the first week while being super strict and the next 10 a month after that. I think running once around the block in the morning before hopping in the shower and using liquid coconut oil as the creamer in my hot cacao and over most of my meals has been a big help. I am definitely a big eater but filling myself with yams and green plantains covered in olive oil and lemon or lime juice when I get cravings has been a big help. I definitely have not been strict as this is not a strict diet. I've got to order some goat or sheep milk ice cream to avoid eating the A1 protein in craving mode.
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